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Suatu pendidikan yang sangat buruk di Israel

Bad Education
An education is very poorly in Israel
Suatu pendidikan yang sangat buruk di Israel

Israeli girl eyes
Anak-anak Israel mengirimkan hadiah cinta untuk anak-anak Arab.
Sebuah gambar yang benar benar mengejutkan,  : Seorang gadis kecil Israel menandatangani hulu ledak dengan pesan pribadi untuk rakyat Lebanon.

Beginikah cara mereka mendorong anak-anak untuk berperilaku? 
Suatu pendidikan yang sangat buruk
Apa yang dapat diharapkan dari orang-orang Israel ????

A picture that is really painful A little girl warheads Israel signed with a personal message for Nusrallah and the Lebanese people
Israeli girl writes on a bomb
Israeli girls signing warheads with personal messages. This is the way they encourage their children to behave.
An education is very poorly in Israel
A picture that is really shocking, : A little girl warheads Israel signed with a personal message for  the Lebanese people.
Is this the way they encourage children to behave?
An education is very poor
What can be expected from the people of Israel ????

Photo of the day: Israeli kids sends gifts of love to Arab kids
A truly sick society
Bad Education?
Israeli Women Army Soldiers